
Cаt Вrings Straу Kittеn into Ноme and the Fаmilу Adoрts Him

Klarieke already had three cats in her family, she had always said that three was enough and that was plenty of fluff to go around.

Then along came Charlie!

Klarieke lives in Holland with her family Netherlands. They have three adult cats, Stavros, Jack and Louis. Stavros had been rescued about a year ago from Greece and this has made him the streetwise leader of the group, having known what it’s like to live on the streets.

Then one day a shy and skinny kitten started showing up in their backyard, nobody had seen him around before and they weren’t sure whether he belonged to anyone. Klarieke noticed that Stavros had been hanging out with the little kitten and the two of them were becoming friends.

She realised that Stravros was keeping a watchful eye on the little kitten every time he entered the yard and often saw them playing together.

It was perhaps something to do with his past as a stray street cat that made Stavros protective of the kitten and because of this their friendship blossomed, they often cuddled up together for a nap in the shed.

Then one day when she was feeding her three cats, Klarieke noticed that Stavros wasn’t eating, when she glanced across she noticed that he’d offered his dinner to the kitten who was happily munching away.

This kind kitty really didn’t mind giving his food away, he understood what it was like to be hungry after all the time he spent living as a street cat.

Before he had always run away when there were humans around but Klarieke decided it was time to put out an extra bowl for the kitten and before long he was brave enough to come in and eat with them.

Nobody came to claim the kitten, and he was spending more more time with Stavros. So they decided to name him Charlie and soon Stavros was showing him around his new home. They went everywhere together.

He was still very wary of humans, but they managed to take him to the vet and he left with a clean bill of health.

He still likes to spend most of his time with Stavros but he is coming out of his shell more and more each day.

Charlie is a very sweet kitten and little did he know when he wandered into that yard one day that it would become his forever home with a loving family of cats and humans.

He will certainly be living the VIP life from now on.

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