

Sеlter Wоrker Adoрts Kittеn Who Wоuldn’t Stoр Meоwing At Нim

It was immediately clear that he was ill when Sugar and his siblings arrived at the Exploits Valley SPCA in July. He had a respiratory infection that needed treatment, so he had to stay a little longer than the rest of his litter in the shelter before he could be taken in.

He bonded with all of the shelter staff and volunteers when Sugar was recovering, and enjoyed showing off what a good little kitten he was.

“From the beginning, he was incredibly polite and vocal,” Sarah MacLeod of the Exploits Valley SPCA told.

Glen was one of the staff members that Sugar saw a lot. For the past 30 years, Glen has been working at the shelter and truly loves it. He was also assigned to clean the room where Sugar was staying and he got so excited every time Sugar saw Glen.

“MacLeod said, “Sugar will scream at Glen to stop doing work and pay attention to him.

Sugar would meow constantly every time Glen passed by Sugar, before Glen eventually gave him some love and attention. Glen had been in love with countless cats for over 30 years, but still wanted to send them off to their everlasting homes. Everything about sugar, however, was different. Clearly, the bond Glen and Sugar had was special.

Glen certainly had no intentions to foster a cat. It became obvious after a while, however, that Sugar wasn’t going to be happy unless he was still on Glen’s side. He was mindful of what he had to do.

MacLeod said, “Glen wasn’t looking for adoption, he already had a cat, but he loved Sugar too much to let him be adopted.”

Sugar was formally adopted into his family by Glen, and Sugar could not have been more pleased about it.

Now all of Sugar is settling into his new home and his loving life. He knows he’s made the right decision every time Glen wakes up and sees Sugar.

MacLeod said, “Sugar is doing great at home, Glen even brought him in to visit us.”

There are some connections far too remarkable to disregard. Everyone is so thrilled that they find each other with Glen and Candy, and they never have to be apart again.

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