
Thеse Two Cаts Fеll In Lоve Aftеr Seеing Eаch Othеr Through Windоws, Their Ownеrs Mаke Sure Theу Get A Dаte

This week Twitter had a collective ‘aww’ moment when the owner of orange tabby named Simon shared her cat’s windowsill romance story. On Monday, a Twitter user that goes by “Mac,” posted a picture of her adorable cat looking through the window at another cat in the neighboring building. “My cat Simon is in love with my neighbor’s cat and waits all day for him. Will keep y’all updated”, Mac posted. The updates were received, and the word on Twitter spread that this animal friendship is way better than any romantic movie you’ve ever seen.

Mackenzie tweeted some pictures on Monday of her orange boy Simon, who, as the owner herself believes, fell in love with the neighbor’s cat. The pictures show eager and inquisitive Simon looking over the window at an indifferent-looking neighbor. Mackenzie decided to take matters into her own hands and made a sign on a paper sheet that read, “What is your cat’s name? Love, Simon,” and hung it on her window.

Not that long after, Theo wrote back: “Hi Simon, I’m Theo. You’r[e] my best friend.” While it seems that grammar is not the strongest Theo’s suit, Simon was nonetheless eager to meet and greet his neighbor – or shall we say newfound love.

Mackenzie promised Twitter to keep them updated, and she stuck to her word, as she filled people in with the new details of the budding friendship of the cute couple.

The owner of Simon tweeted that she and her neighbor “both opened their windows so they [the cats] can talk.” And some talking they did.

The orange tabby was dressed up and looking all dapper for his first birthday, and luckily for him, he could show off his cool attire to Theo.

Soon enough, Mackenzie’s Twitter thread exploded and amassed thousands of likes and retweets. The beautiful cat made sure that his neighbor was aware of this by putting up another message on the window: “Theo, we went viral on Twitter,” to which Theo replied: “Simon, we did it!” To make communication easier, Theo apparently made a Twitter account for himself and invited Simon to befriend him. Also, he apologized for the previous grammar mistake. “After all, I’m just a cute cat,” Theo justified himself.

Much to people’s joy Mackenzie and her neighbor decided that their cats should finally meet in real life and arranged a date for them.

Not even in her wildest dreams, could Mackenzie have probably imagined that one day she’d be announcing a cutest cat date on the Internet. But she did, and we’re so glad.

Simon seemed anxious to meet Theo face to face finally. “1 hour! Waiting by the front door,” he tweeted eagerly. Twitter was holding its breath. And finally – the moment that all Twitter folks had been waiting for came.

Theo came to Simon’s house, and the two rascals finally met each other. However, as the date took place in Simon’s house, Theo was a tad nervous, but nonetheless excited. “Simon is following Theo around like a puppy,” Mackenzie told her followers.

Apparently, Simon was really into following Theo, who, probably did not mind all that much. After all, he was the one who proclaimed that Simon was his best friend. And best friends do things together.

“We think it went as well as it can with cats! Only a couple hisses, no fights, and lots of butt-sniffs,” Mackenzie concluded of the long-awaited date. Needless to say, people are eager to follow more of Theo and Simon’s adventures, and hopefully, their newly-acquired Twitter accounts will help them to update their followers on their friendship.

After the Twitter thread went viral, the two owners of Theo and Simon took a beautiful family picture with the now Twitter-famous furballs.

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