

Thаi navу sаilors rеsсue cаts frоm sinking shiр thаt саught on firе

Who can ever resist these cattos’ cuteness right?

On 2 March 2021, six Thai navy officials went to investigate a fishing ship called Phamonsin Nava 10 which reportedly caught on fire due to an oil spill and began sinking. When they arrived at the wreckage, the boat was found to be sinking in a vertical manner and about 3 metres of the boat was floating above the water. To their surprise, they found four little kittens hanging on to dear life aboard the boat.

Without thinking much, the brave Navy officers jumped into the water, carried each cat on their backs and swam back to the Navy vessel until every cat was rescued.

The Nation reported that apart from being dehydrated, the four cattos suffered no injuries and are reportedly in a healthy condition. All eight of the ship’s crew jumped off the sinking vessel and into the sea just before the Navy arrived. They were rescued by a passing fishing ship.

One of the Navy officials, Sergeant Wichit Phakdee, shared some videos to the kittens getting used to their life aboard the Navy ship and we can confirm that the officers have fully surrendered to their cuteness.

Kudos to the brave officers for saving the cattos and treating them with love and kindness. Question, when will these kittens be promoted to Sergeant for outstanding achievement in adorableness?

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