

Whеn A Wild Cаt Deсided She Wаnted To Livе Amоng Humаns, She Wаs Welсomed With Opеn Arms, And She Nеver Lеft

Cats are strange creatures with extremely specific habits known as “cat logic,” which is even more pronounced in the case of this feral (wild) cat and confirms our assumptions. Cats pick their homes, not the other way around, and we should consider ourselves quite fortunate.

Ghost, as this adorable kitten is known, was born in a wild cat colony, and when she decided she wanted to be a part of a human family, she did not hesitate to choose her new family, vowing never to forsake them.

The kitten was at ease with her new family, and she now enjoyed enjoyable massage treatments, delectable meals, and many hours of pampering; he had obviously chosen the greatest decision for himself.

The feral cat made the decision to live among humans.

A wild cat may become a domestic cat, although this represents a significant change in its lifestyle. Molly DeVoss, a Certified Feline Behavior and Training Specialist who owns Cat Behavior Solutions, spoke with Bored Panda about how wild cats acquire a level of trust with people over time.

A cat’s personality can change based on its surroundings; Molly notes that they can range from a totally wild cat with no evidence of human social contact to a neighbor’s indoor or outdoor cat.

The feline behavior expert went on to say:

“A wild cat may learn to trust a human over time by providing them with good food and a comfortable place to dwell, and they may begin to demonstrate their sensitive appreciation.”

According to a 2017 research published in Nature Ecology & Evolution, cats have coexisted with humans for thousands of years, even before they were domesticated.

Claudio Ottoni, coauthor of the study and professor at the Universidad de Lovaina, says:

«It’s not as if humans carry a few cats around with them and keep them in cages. People, on the other hand, allowed the cats to be domesticated more or less».

Despite the fact that there are differences between domesticated cats and wild cats, they are minor, such as the colors on their coats.

According to Eva-Maria Geig, an evolutionary genetist, cats have been close to humans without changing much. Cats are among the most popular pets in the world, with an estimated 74 million cats living in homes across the United States.

Whatever drove Ghost to choose his perfect human family, his mother is really happy and grateful to have her in his life.

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