

Kittеn With A Clеft Liр And Onе Eуe Finаlly Fоund Her Forеver Hоme

When Battersea Dogs & Cats Home welcomes a kitten, there’s usually a line of people clamouring to be the family to take them home.

That hasn’t been the case for sweet little Ana, and staff at the centre worry it may be due to her unusual looks.

Four-month-old Ana was born with a cleft lip and lost her right eye at only a few weeks old, meaning she might not tick off the requirements of someone’s picture-perfect dream kitten.

But she’s a lovely kitty who deserves a wonderful home, just like any other cat.

Ana arrived at Battersea back in December, when she was just seven weeks old.

Alongside her cleft lip, Battersea’s vets discovered that Ana suffered from a rare congenital abnormality where one of her eyeballs was underdeveloped, and they had to remove the eye to save the kitten from pain and discomfort.

Months on, Ana still hasn’t managed to find a home, being ignored by potential adopters in favour of other kittens without her visible differences.

That’s despite there usually being a huge demand for kittens year-round.

Battersea’s cattery manager, Rachel Saunders, said: ‘It is such a shame when people take animals at face value when searching for a new pet, rather than looking beyond their appearance to find unique quirks and personalities.

‘As well as her distinctive face, Ana is a black cat and too many people still have misconceptions and superstitions about that particular colour.

‘We think she’s beautiful just the way she is, because the things that make an animal different are what makes them special.

‘Rescue animals may not be perfect, but they’re certainly worth it, and soft and playful Ana is a fantastic example of this.’

Staff at the centre say Ana is just as sweet, playful, and affectionate as any other kitten, loving chasing a ribbon or having a cuddle on the sofa.

For now she’s staying with a foster carer, just waiting for someone to give her a forever home. If you could be her perfect match, do get in touch with Battersea directly.

She needs a secure, settled home with outdoor access and no major changes coming up, and would like to be the only pet in the home.

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